List of Brewster lab publications

  • Vinuselvi Parisutham, Sunil Guharajan, Melina Lian, Hannah Rogers, Shannon Joyce, Mariana Noto Guillen, Robert C. Brewster (2024) E. coli transcription factors regulate promoter activity by a universal, homeostatic mechanism, Biorxiv [manuscript].

  • Sunil Guharajan, Vinuselvi Parisutham and Robert C. Brewster (2025) A systematic survey of TF function in E. coli suggests RNAP stabilization is a prevalent strategy for both repressors and activators, Nucleic Acids Research [manuscript].

  • MD. Zulfikar Ali, Sunil Guharajan, Vinuselvi Parisutham and Robert C. Brewster (2023) Regulatory properties of transcription factors with diverse mechanistic function, PLoS Comp Bio 20(6): e1012194 [manuscript].

  • Vinuselvi Parisutham, Sunil Guharajan, Shivani Chhabra and Robert C. Brewster (2022) Tunable transcription factor library for robust quantification of gene regulatory properties in Escherichia coli. Molecular Systems Biology 18:e10843 [manuscript]

  • MD. Zulfikar Ali and Robert C. Brewster (2022) Controlling gene expression timing through gene regulatory architecture, PLoS Comp Bio 18 (1): e1009745 [manuscript].

  • Sunil Guharajan, Shivani Chhabra, Vinuselvi Parisutham, Robert C. Brewster (2021) Quantifying the regulatory role of individual transcription factors in Escherichia coli. Cell Reports 37, 6:109952 [manuscript]

  • Zulfikar Ali, Vinuselvi Parisutham, Sandeep Chuobey, Robert C. Brewster (2020) Inherent regulatory asymmetry emanating from network architecture in a prevalent autoregulatory motif. eLife 9:e56517 [manuscript]

  • Colin C. Conine, Marina Krykbaeva, Lina Song, Robert C. Brewster, Nir Friedman, Oliver J. Rando (2020), Flexibility and constraint in preimplantation gene regulation in mouse, in review at Elife.

  • Zulfikar Ali, Sandeep Chuobey, Dipjyoti Das, Robert C. Brewster (2020) Probing mechanisms of transcription elongation through cell-to-cell variability of RNA polymerase. Biophysical Journal 118(7) [manuscript].

  • Jote T. Bulcha, Gabrielle E. Giese, Md. Zulfikar Ali, Yong-Uk Lee, Melissa D.Walker, Amy D.Holdorf, L. Safak Yilmaz, Robert C.Brewster, Albertha J.M.Walhout (2019). A Persistence Detector for Metabolic Network Rewiring in an Animal. Cell Reports 26, 460-468. [manuscript]

  • Jasper Landman, Robert C. Brewster, Franz M. Weinert, Rob Phillips, Willem K. Kegel (2017) Self-consistent theory of transcriptional control in complex regulatory architectures, PLoS ONE, 12(7):e0179235 [manuscript]

  • Dipjyoti Das, Supravat Dey, Robert C. Brewster*, Sandeep Chuobey* (2017) Effect of transcription factor resource sharing on gene expression noise, PLoS Computational Biology, 13, 4 [manuscript]

  • Hernan G. Garcia, Robert C. Brewster and Rob Phillips (2016) Using synthetic biology to make cells tomorrow’s test tubes, Integrative Biology, 8, 431 [manuscript]

  • Geoffrey A. Lovely, Robert C. Brewster, David G. Schatz, David Baltimore and Rob Phillips (2015) Single-molecule analysis of RAG-mediated V(D)J DNA cleavage, PNAS, 112 (14), E1715-E1723 [manuscript, SI]

  • Daniel L. Jones*, Robert C. Brewster* and Rob Phillips (2014) Cell-to-Cell Variability in Gene Expression is Governed by Promoter Architecture, Science, 346 (6216), 1533-1536 [manuscript, SI]

  • Franz M. Weinert*, Robert C. Brewster*, Mattias Rydenfelt, Rob Phillips and Willem K. Kegel (2014) Scaling of Gene Expression with Transcription Factor Fugacity, Physical Review Letters 113, 258101 [manuscript]

  • Robert C. Brewster*, Franz M. Weinert*, Hernan G. Garcia, Linda Song, Mattias Rydenfelt and Rob Phillips (2014) The Transcription Factor Titration Effect Dictates Level of Gene Expression, Cell, 156(6) [manuscript, SI]

    • This work has been highlighted in:

    • See Press release

    • "Tuning expression by numbers", Nature Methods 11(475), 2014 [text]

    • "Target competition: transcription factors enter the limelight", Karreth, FA, Tay, Y, Pandolfi, P, Genome Biology 15(114), 2014 [text]

  • Robert C. Brewster*, Daniel L. Jones* and Rob Phillips (2012) Tuning Promoter Strength through RNA Polymerase Binding Site Design in Escherichia coli, PLoS Computational Biology 8(12), e1002811 [manuscript]